Frequently Asked Questions 

  • I don’t file insurance, however I can provide a receipt for your insurance company reimbursement. Check with your insurance company first to see if they offer out of network benefits for therapy.

  • I recommend scheduling sessions every week in the beginning so we can gain momentum and get to know each other. After we’ve established a good foundation, you can choose to continue scheduling every week or every other week. After working together for a while, many clients schedule a once a month check in appointment .

  • I use an online calendar system and Telehealth platform that is fully secure; HIPAA-compliant and HITRUST certified.

    If you’ve never had a Telehealth session before and are unsure, click here to learn more.

  • I only work with couples together and don’t schedule individual sessions. The reason for this is: trust . All must be said and shared in session as we work together. I don’t make exceptions for this as your relationship is my primary focus.

    Having your own individual therapist can be helpful.

  • 2024 Session fees:

    60 minute individual session $185

    60 minute couples session $225